Happy New Year!!

The holidays are behind us and the new year has been rung in…. I hope you found time in the early days of 2024 to revel in gratitude and make plans for great things to come…. Buuuttt what happens now? The new year manifestations and plans for months ahead… What about right now? What are we doing to get through the next weeks and months of winter? I hope you have a wonderful sunny vacation planned but my point is, how do we keep that sunshine going in our hearts and minds when right now the world is a crazy place and so many humans in my world are just. Not. Feeling it… It. Hmmm ok fine, yes I do feel it too, to be as honest as I can be… A possible looming funk, a time of lets just get to the other side of this darkness and get on with springtime. Show of hands, who gets me? Well in light of this impending hibernation, I’m here to offer you this.

It occurred to me in a conversation with a close girlfriend who has a champion brain, someone who asks the deep questions to get you to answer your own WTFs. She said… Embody what you want to put out into the world. How do you really want people to feel when they wear your clothes?”  My mind went immediately to a visual I keep close to my heart. Walking in a little town filled with shops and restaurants and noticing people smiling at me as I walked by them. My family laughing about it each time, noticing the smiles and then telling me its because the (Jewel BeLoved) outfit I was wearing made me look like a happy friendly person. The fact that my own children acknowledged this was big for me, I felt seen in a way that a mother doesn’t get to a lot of the time.

Well guess what?? I AM a happy friendly person…. EVEN in January! And to answer that question… THAT.  THAT is what I want for you! I want people to feel BIG TIME HAPPY when they wear Jewel BeLoved. To be seen, to shine bright and stand out as someone who makes people smile! Yes, its winter in Canada, the fuffy floral dresses and delicate linens and lace are not sitting at the forefront of our closets right now. But as I sit in a field of neutral sweaters of grey, brown and cream, I can still bring you flowers! Kick up that bit of whimsy and still include it in your winter wordrobe! Don’t forget that you are a unique kick ass being and there should be a wordobe – even in winter- that reflects the light that shines from your soul… YES make outfits based on that shit right there!! For the next little while, I’m still gonna show you sweaters and jeans. Have to babe. Keepin it real over here. Butttt lets make a pact to still have fun ok? Don’t get lost in the grey. Find some things with some whimsy and uniqueness. Wear colours and prints that radiate -  “You cant possibly mess with my vibe!” It’s the key to how I’m showing up this winter, funk free and smiling. Because tho I can’t control the weather, I’m still in charge of how I show up in the world! While I’m dreaming up springtime fashions for you all, I hope you stay cozy and keep the sunshine in your hearts – only 139 days until spring friends, and I’m here for it. You’re a legend, don’t forget. Get out there and shine!

xo Jules


Red Carpet Ready